I was recently asked to share tips and training to new and young direct selling companies on how to build up and develop your salesforce. And the training was to be no more than 20 minutes long! I’m all for a good challenge, but to cover what seems to be the lifeblood of success in our channel in a mere 20 minutes, when probably 20 days still wouldn’t quite do it justice, seemed a tad daunting. In fairness, the point of the program was to provide quick input on the basics of all areas of direct … [Read more...]
Embracing a Next-Steps Mentality
I go to a church that is built on a simple but profound principle: help people take their next step in their spiritual journey. When you hear it explained, it’s a pretty powerful concept. The idea is that everyone, no matter where on their journey they are, has a next step to take. Everyone can progress. Everyone can still become more. In many ways, I feel like this is the underlying promise that every direct sales company offers. As an industry that celebrates personal development, what we … [Read more...]
The Table Stakes for Success as a Direct Selling Company
Business Model Fundamentals for the Direct Selling Industry We all have witnessed the rapidly changing business environment. Specifically, the rise of the Gig Economy which brings with it competition for participation. The rise of Social Media Influencers and traditional businesses launching Affiliate Marketing models also creates consumer competition. Most of us are also scrambling to keep up with changing consumer shopping preferences, online marketplaces, social and community platforms, and … [Read more...]