Anyone who has worked at a direct selling company for any period of time has experienced a Distributor Advisory Council meeting: Those meetings with select field leaders and home office members to help gain insights and input from the field. On the surface, these meetings seem productive and helpful in nature, and they can and should be. Getting feedback from your top salespeople and customers should always be highly valued. How Most of These Meetings Go However, you’ve probably … [Read more...]
Does Your Target Audience Really Want It?
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Our necessities never equal our wants." Which is exactly why the first and most important question of great marketing is NOT "do they need it?" Many a well-intentioned yet shamefully-confused marketer has started with a concept he thought was a need of a certain group of people. It's why that first question is "Do they WANT it?" No need. We're talking about "want" here. If you're not clear on who it is you are serving, and how what you have satisfies them, you … [Read more...]