Plenty of experts have reported on and provided suggestions about how to respond to new regulatory requirements and best practices that have popped up in direct selling over the past two years. One of those best practices is the creation of a strong and distinct customer program, in which a customer would be allowed and encouraged to purchase products and, in most cases, receive a discount without having to become a distributor and have the ability to earn income. My thinking on this is… why … [Read more...]
Does Your Target Audience Really Want It?
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Our necessities never equal our wants." Which is exactly why the first and most important question of great marketing is NOT "do they need it?" Many a well-intentioned yet shamefully-confused marketer has started with a concept he thought was a need of a certain group of people. It's why that first question is "Do they WANT it?" No need. We're talking about "want" here. If you're not clear on who it is you are serving, and how what you have satisfies them, you … [Read more...]