I was recently asked to share tips and training to new and young direct selling companies on how to build up and develop your salesforce. And the training was to be no more than 20 minutes long! I’m all for a good challenge, but to cover what seems to be the lifeblood of success in our channel in a mere 20 minutes, when probably 20 days still wouldn’t quite do it justice, seemed a tad daunting. In fairness, the point of the program was to provide quick input on the basics of all areas of direct … [Read more...]
Salesforce Trust: The Key to Direct Selling Sustainability
Trust and belief from your volunteer salesforce are the most important assets any direct selling company can tap into. Great products, marketing programs, training materials, compensation plans and technology can all help build that trust, but they cannot replace it or overcome a lack of trust. In the early days of a direct selling business, company founders learn the importance of this asset. The founders tend to work side by side with the very first salespeople. These early adopters are … [Read more...]